A few months ago I asked my 9 year old grandson if he would like me to crochet him something. He scanned the horizon deep in thought for a third of a second and asked me for a controller cover. I had previously made a laptop cover, phone sleeves and a tissue box cover, but this one isn’t a ‘cube’ per-se! So I bought me an Xbox ONE controller and set about creating the pattern. The cover was a hit needless to say (granted it came with a new controller). But only time will tell how long it will survive the sticky fingers and hours of ruthless usage!

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  1. Yarn , size 4 green yarn and size 4 yellow yarn (I used mary maxim- best valu size 4 yarn)
  2. Hook size 3.5
  3. White stretch cord
  4. Sewing needle
  5. One button

Part- A
 r1 In mr cast on 9sc do not join mark the beginning of the round with a marker
r2 2sc in each sc of r1 (18)
 r3  sc in each sc of r2   (18)
 r4  *inc, 3sc*, rep from *to* 4 times, inc, 1sc   (23)
 r5  sc in each sc of r4  (23)
 r6  inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 18sc   (26)
 r7  sc in each sc of r6   (26)
 r8  inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 21sc  ( 29 )
 r9 sc in each sc of r8  (29)
 r10  sc in each sc of r9 (29)
r11  inc, 2sc, inc, 25sc  (31)
r12  in FLO work 4 sl st in the next 4 sc, 27sc,   fasten off do not cut the yarn, work 7ch, (Pict-3)
 r13  join yellow yarn at the end of the 4sl st you worked in r12, 26 sc, sl st in the 27th sc   (26 do not count the sl st) fasten off , cut and secure the yarn.(Pict-3)
 Part B : work exactly same as part A, (Pict-1-2) make a chain of 12
     join the end of 7ch (part A) to  part B with sl st into the 2nd yellow sc of r12 (Pict-1) fasten off , cut and secure yarn , join the end of 12ch (part B)to partA with sl st into the 2nd yellow sc of r12 (Pict-4) do not fasten of cut and secure yarn (26+26+7+12=71) as shown in (Pict-4-5)
 r14    I”ll skip the chain of 12 and join the green yarn at the 2nd ssc of part A now work dec, 53sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (55)
 r15  dec, 51sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (53)
 r16  dec, 49sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (51)
 r17  dec, 47sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (49)
 r18 dec, 45sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (47)
 r20 dec, 43sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (45)
 r21 dec, 41sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (43)
 r22 dec, 39sc, dec. 1ch turn work       (41) fasten off cut and secure yarn
 r23 join green  yarn  at the 15th sc  , make 12sc in next 12 sc  (13 ) 1ch turn work
 r24  sc in each sc (13)1ch turn work
 r25  sc in each sc (12) fasten off cut and secure yarn
  r26  join yellow yarn and do a boarder of sc in each sc all around when you get to the 12ch work slst in each chain stitches  fasten off cut and secure  yarn,(Pict-9)
 out of stretch cord make a chain of 7 add it to the work by hand sewing , (Pict-10)    add a button s shown in (Pict-14)



mr magic ring
sl st slip stitch
sc single crochet stitch
ch chain stitch
inc increment
dec decrease
rep repeat
FLO front loop only