it’s a little relaxation which you need from time to time and what you only need are just a scrap left over thread size 4 ( the brand are shown in the picture its available at Walmart), a crochet hook size 1.65, beads, chain, chain lock, earring hooks, clear ear safety back pads (backstops hooks). test
necklace flower: make 7 flower the colors are shown in the picture or the color you like follow diagram 1 | |
r1 | in a magic ring (doubled thread)cast on 8sc sl st in 1st sc |
r2 | *ch7, sl st in same sc, sl st in next sc * rep from *to* 7more times |
r3 | in to the first loop of ch8 work *3sc, ch3, 3sc, sl st in between the 1st and 2nd sc of r1* rep in between *to* 7more times cut, fasten off secure thread, spread them pin all the petals wet them by a solution of 1table spoon of clear glue into 10 table spoon of water leave until dry. |
necklace finishing | thread a sewing needle and join your flowers to each other as shown in the picture, add one bead on the center of each flower attach3.5 inch chain to each side and add chain lock to the end of Lt chain and a ring to the Rt chain, join another two inches length chain to the end of Rt chain, then join a flower to the end of 2inches chain as shown in the picture. |
earring flower: make 2 flower the colors are shown in the picture or the color you like | |
r1 | in a magic ring (doubled thread) cast on 8sc sl st in 1st sc |
r2 | *ch6, sl st in same sc, sl st in next sc * rep from *to* 7more times |
r3 | in to the first loop of ch8 work *2sc, ch3, 2sc, sl st in between the 1st and 2nd sc of r1* rep in between *to* 7more times cut, fasten off secure thread spread them pin all the petals wet them by a solution of 1table spoon of clear glue into 10 table spoon of water leave until dry. |
earring finishing | with a threaded needle sew one bead on the center of each flowers , attach the earring hooks, clear ear safety back pads backstops. |
abbreviations | |
mr | magic ring |
sl st | slip stitch |
sc | single crochet stitch |
ch | chain stitch |
1st | first |
rep | repeat |
Rt | right |
Lt | left |