Materials:Hook, threads.You can play with thread and hook sizes to get different heart sizes.I used size 10 threads and with size 1.00 mm hook I got (1inch=2.5cm)heart, with 1.65 hook I got (1.25 inch=3cm) and with 2.10mm hook I doubled the threads,I got(1.75inch=4.5cm) as you see in the picture.
Round1 | work 5sc in a magic ring do not join mark the first stitch of the next round. |
Round2 | work 2sc in each st of round1 (10). |
Round3 | *Sc in in 1st 2sc in 2nd sc* rep from *to* 5 times (15) |
Round4 | sc in each sc 15 times,fasten off cut the yarn leaving 6 inches the second humb exactly same as the first onebut,dont cut the thread . Thread the tail of the first humb and join the two humbs together in a point between the first sc and the last sc of round 3 . |
Round 5 | Sc in each sc of round 3 all around both humbs (30). |
Round 6 | 5Sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc in nexr 10sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc5(26). |
Round 7 | 2sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog, 4sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog,2sc(20) |
Round 8 | 2sc, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog, 4sc, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog, 2sc(16). |
Round 9 | 2sc, sc2tog, sc2tog, 4sc, sc2tog, sc2tog. 2sc(12) |
Round 10 | Sc4,sc2tog,sc4,sc2tog (10) |
Round 11 | 2sc, sc2tog, 3sc, sc2tog, sc (8) |
Round 12 | sc, sc2tog, 2sc, sc2tog, sc(6),Fasten off cut the thread leaving long tail , thread the tail pass the needle through all the remaining 6 sc tight the thread and close the opening completely by sewing it together, |