I wanted to surprise my little grandson with a good gift so I set about crocheting his favorite cartoon character, Nemo! The reaction I got from him made me decide to create a pattern and give it to you as well. This one is really fun to make and will get a great reaction!

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IMG_5990 (1)-1 IMG_6735 (1) IMG_9574-1
IMG_cropped IMG_cropped fin IMG_cropped fin2


Materials you need are:

1- A size 3.5 hook

2-  Size 4 orange,white, bright orange and black yarn (I used red heart size 4 yarn its perfect for amigurumi work

3- Size two black yarn for making fin boarders.(I split size 4 black yarn into half and used it for making boarders).

4- Fiber fill stuffing.

5-  big sewing needle

R1  (orange) in a magic ring cast on 7 sc join with sl st (7)
R2  (orange)  2sc in each sc  do not join mark the binning of the round          (14)
R3  (orange) *1sc, inc * rep between *to* all around (21)
R4  (orange) sc all around (21)
R5 (orange) *2sc, inc *rep between *to* all around (28)
R6 (orange) sc all around (28)
R7 (orange) *3sc, inc  * rep between *to* all around (35)
R8 (orange)  *1sc,inc* rep between  *to* all arround to the last sc work  1sc (52)
 R9  (orange) *12sc,inc* rep all around (56)
R10 (orange) sc all around  (56)
R11 (orange) *13,inc* rep between *to* all around(60)
R12  (orange) sc all around (60)
R13  (orange) 12sc, *inc-6sc* rep between*to* 5 times,inc, 12sc (66)
R14  (orange) sc all around (66)
R15  (orange)12 sc *inc,7sc* rep between *to* two times ,inc, 8sc *inc,7sc*rep between *to* two times, inc, 12sc (72)
R16  (orange) sc around (72)
R17  (orange) 12sc ,*inc,8sc*rep from *to*  two times,inc,10sc,*inc,8sc*rep from *to* two times,inc, 12sc(78)
R18  (orange) sc around (78)
R19 (orange) 12sc *inc,10sc* rep from *to* two times, inc, 8sc, *inc, 10sc* rep from  *to* two times,inc, 12sc, (84)
R20,21,22-23   (orange) sc all around (84)
R24 (black)12sc, *inc,11sc* rep from *to* two times, inc, 10sc, *inc, 11sc* rep from *to* two times,inc, 12sc, (90)
R25-26  (white) sc all around  (90)
R27 (white) 12sc, *inc-12sc* five times,12sc  (96)
R28  (white) sc all around
R29          bk (black) 12sc, *inc-13sc* rep from *to* two times,inc, 14sc, *inc-13sc* rep from *to* two times, inc,12sc(102)
R30-31     or (orange) sc all around(102)
R33          or  (orange) 12sc,*dec-13sc* rep from *to*  two times,dec,14sc,*dec-13sc* rep from *to* tw0 times,dec,12sc  (96)
R34-35     or  (orange) sc all around (96)
R36   (black) *12sc , dec* rep from *to*  two times, (orange)12sc *dec, 12sc* rep from *to* two times,, (black)*dec,12sc* two times (90)
R37 (white) 26sc,(black)1sc,(orange)36sc,(black) 1sc, (orange) 26sc (90)
R38 (white) 27sc, (black) 1sc, (orange) 34, (black) 1sc, (white) 27sc (90)
R39 (white)12sc, dec,11sc,dec,1sc, (black) 1sc (orange) 9sc, dec,10sc, dec, 9sc, (black)1sc,(white)1sc,dec,11sc, dec, 12sc(84)
R40  (white) sc28,(black)sc28, (white) sc28  (84)
R41 (white) sc all around (84)
R42 (white)- sc 12, dec, sc 10 dec, sc10, dec sc 8, dec sc10,dec,sc 10dec, sc 12  (78)
R43-44 (white) sc all around   (78)
R45   (white) sc 12, dec, sc8  dec, sc8  dec, sc10 dec, sc8  dec, sc8 dec, sc12  (72)
R46-47   (white)sc all around  (72)
R48 (white)sc12,dec, sc7,dec, sc7, dec, sc8,dec, sc7,dec,sc7,dec,sc12, dec, (66)
R49 (black) sc all around  (66)
R50 (orange) sc all around (66)
R51  (orange) 12sc,(dec,6sc) 5 times, dec, 12sc (60)
  R52  (orange)  sc all around (60)
R53  (orange) sc all around (60)
R54  (orange) 13 sc, dec (56)
R55-56  (orange) sc all around (56)
 R57  (orange)12sc,dec (52)
 R58-59   (orange) sc all around (52)
R60  (orange) 11 sc, dec (48)
 R61  (orange) sc all around (48)
 R62  (black)10sc, dec (44)
R63  (white) sc all around (44)
R64  (white) 9sc,dec (40)
 R65  (white) sc all around (40)
R66  (white)8sc, dec (36)
R67  (white)7sc, dec (332)
R69  (black) sc all around(32) join with sl st in first st cut and secure yarn
body finishing : stuff head and body with filler and leave the end open


eye balls in white  ( make two)
R1  in a magic ring work 6sc  join with sl st in first st (6)
R2  work 2sc in each sc of R1 do not join mark the beginning of round (12)
R3  *sc, inc* rep from*to* all around (18)
R4 *2sc,inc* rep from*to* all around (24)
R5-6 sc all around sl st in first sc (24) fasten off  leave enough length of yarn for sewing
eye pupil orange (( make two))
R1 (orange)in a magic ring work 6sc join with sl st in first sc (6)
R2  (orange)work 2sc in each sc of R1 (12) do not join
R3  (orange)sc all around  sl st in first sc(12), fasten off leave  leave enough length of yarn for sewing
 eye Pupil Black (( make two))
R1 (black) in a magic ring work 8sc , sl st in first st fasten off leave  enough length of yarn for sewing
 eyes finishing: thread a needle with the black  tail you left and sew centered the black disk  on orange disk cut and secure yarn, thread  needle with the orange tail you left sew Pupils on  white eye balls cut and secure yarn, thread the white Tail  you left sew eye balls on the head (between R8 and R20 and 8 stitches between the two balls) as shown in the picture above  stuff eye balls while sewing them on the head ,cut yarn and secure ends.


Tail part 1&2
 tail part 1
R1 (orange)12ch, in the 2nd ch from the hook work inc, sc in the next 8 ch st,inc (12)
R2 (orange)  inc, sc in the next 10 ch st,in(14)
R3 (orange) inc, sc in the next 12 ch st,in(16)
R4 (orange) inc, sc in the next 14 ch st,in(18)
R5 (orange) inc, sc in the next 16 ch st,in(20)
R6 (orange) inc, sc in the next 18 ch st,in(22)
R7 (orange)inc, sc in the next 20 ch st,in(24)
R8 (orange)inc, sc in the next 22 ch st,inc (26) cut yarn  cut yarn and secure yarn.
tail: part 2 
R9 work one more time in orange from R1 to R8  do not cut yarn put the two pieces together  facing each other on wrong sides , work sc all around  (52) do not join (mark beginning of the round )
 R10  inc, 24sc, inc, inc, 24sc, inc (56)
 R11-12 sc all around  (56)
 R13 *12 sc , dec*rep 4 times (52)
 R14  sc all around (52)
 R15  *11sc, dec* rep 4 times (48)
 R16  sc all around (48)
 R17  *10 sc, dec* rep 4 times (44)
 R18- 19 sc all around (44)
 R20  *9sc, dec* rep 4 times (40)
 R21-22  sc all around (40)
 R23  *8sc,dec* rep 4 times (36)
 R24  sc all around(36)
 R25   *7sc,dec* (32)
 R26 sc all around (32)
 tail finishing : fasten off and cut yarn leave long tail for sewing stuff tail a little . in  black yarn crochet  border to the waving end of the tail * sc, 2ch,  skip a little distance,sc* rep from *to*to as shown in the pictures above, thread a needle with bright orange yarn add three lines to the Tail. Sew tail end to the body end cut and secure yarn 
 right Fin
 R1 (orange)19ch,start at 2nd ch from hook work inc,then 17sc to last ch work 2inc,go other side of 19ch work 17sc ,inc(42)
 R2  (orange)inc,sc19,2inc,sc19(46)
 R3  (orange)sc all around(46)
 R4  (orange)inc, sc21, 2inc,sc21,inc(50)
 R5  (orange) sc all around(50)
R6 (orange) inc, sc23, 2inc,sc23,inc(54)
R7 (orange) sc all around(54)
R8 (orange) inc, sc25, 2inc,sc25,inc(58)
R9 (orange) sc all around(58)
R10 (orange) inc, sc27, 2inc,sc27,inc(62)
R11-12-13 (orange) sc all around(62)
R14 (orange) dec, sc27, 2dec,sc27dec(58)
R15-16 (orange) sc all around(58)
R17 (orange) dec, sc25, 2dec,sc25,dec(54)
R18 dec, sc25, 2dec,sc25,dec
R19 (orange) dec, sc23, 2dec,sc23,dec(50)
R20 (orange)sc all around(50)
R21 (orange) dec, sc21, 2dec,sc21,dec(46)
R22 (orange)sc all around(46)
R23 (orange) dec, sc19, 2dec,sc19,dec(42)
R24 (orange) dec, sc17, 2dec,sc17,dec(38)
R25 (orange)sc all around(38)
R26 (orange) dec, sc15, 2dec, sc15,dec(34)
R27 (orange) dec, sc13, 2dec,sc13,dec(30)
R28 (orange) dec, sc11, 2dec,sc11,dec(26)
R29 (orange) dec, sc9, 2dec,sc9,dec(22) cut yarn leave long tail for sewing
right fin finishing: add black boarder  to the end of the Fin as you did for the Tail,thread a needle with bright orange yarn add three lines to the fin, sew the fin to the body between R29 and R37 as shown in the picture.
left fin:  Part 1&2
part 1: (orange)
R1 6ch in the 2nd ch from the hook work, inc, 2sc, 2inc,(go around to the other side  work, 2sc,inc(12)
R2 inc,10sc, inc(14)
R3 inc, 12sc, inc(16)
R4 inc,14sc,inc(18)
R5 inc,16sc,inc(20)
R6 inc, 18sc, inc(22) ,fasten off, cut and secure yarn.
part 2: (orange)
R1 8ch, in  2nd ch from the hook start working,inc,4sc,2inc, go around and work 4sc,inc(16)
R2 inc, sc14, inc (18)
R3 inc, sc16, inc (20)
R4 inc, sc18, inc (22)
R5 inc, sc20,inc (24)
R6 inc,sc22,inc(26) do not cut yarn.join  with one stitch part 1&2 (lower left 2 to lower right 1)  mark the first sc and start working sc all around part1 &part2(44)
R7-10 sc all around
R11 dec,sc19,dec, dec,sc19 dec,(40)
R12-13 sc all around
R14 dec, sc17.dec, dec, sc17  (38)
R15-16 sc all around(38)
R17 dec,sc15,dec,dec,sc15,dec(34)
R18 sc all around
R19 dec, sc13,dec, dec, sc13 (30)
R20 dec, sc11,dec,dec, sc11, dec (26)
R21 dec,sc9,dec,dec,sc9, dec(22)
R22 sc all around (22)
left fin finishing: cut yarn leave tail for sewing, crochet  black boarder  to the end of the Fin as you did for the Tai and right fin, thread a needle with bright orange yarn add three lines to the fin as shown in the picture above. sew the fin to the left side of the body( between R24 and R34) as shown in the picture cut and secure yarn
 dorsal fin: part 1,2,3,4
 part – 1 (orange)
 R1  in a magic ring work 7sc ,  for all rounds do not join and mark the beginning of previous round and continue working all around
R2  *inc* rep from *t0* all around (14)
 R3  *1sc,inc* rep from*to* all around (21)
 R4  *6sc,inc* rep from *to* all around(24)
R5  sc all around (24) do not fasten and don not cut yarn  Yarn
 Part 2: (White)
R1 11ch, start working  in 2nd chain from the hook :  inc, 7sc , inc in the 8th ch,on the other side of the chain 11 work 7sc, do not join mark round beginning(18)
R2  sc al around (18) sl st in 3 next stitches do not cut yarn
Part 3&4: (orange)
R1 in a magic ring work 6sc   for all rounds do not join  mark the beginning of previous round and continue working all around
R2 2sc in each sc (12) do not join mark round beginning
R3 *sc,inc* rep from *to* all around (18) do not join
R4-R5  sc all around  join with sl st fasten off cut yarn and secure(18)
R6 attach drosal 3 to 1 with one stitch ,(mark  beginning of the Round) continue  working  sc all around fin3 and fin1 (40) do not join
R7  dec, 8sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 1sc, dec,5sc, dec,8sc, dec, 1sc,  (34)
R8 dec, 12sc, dec, 1sc,dec, 12sc, dec, 1sc (30)
R6 stitch Dorsal fin 2 (from the side you left yarn uncut to the left of fin1 with one stitch, stitch other side of fin2 to fin4 with one stitch. join Orange yarn to the beginning of Dorsal  fin3 (mark it as first sc)work 15sc (Orange), 8sc (White) 17sc (Orange), 8sc( white), 14sc (orange)   (62 )
 R7-R8  work sc all around with same colors ( orange -white)  (62)
 R9  (orange) dec, sc10,dec, (white)8sc, (orange) 6sc, dec,1sc, dec, 6sc, (white)8sc, (orange)dec, 10sc, dec,1sc   ( 56 ) do not join
 R10 work 13sc, (white) 8sc, (orange) 15sc,  (white) 8sc, (orange) sc12 (56) do not join
R11  (orang) dec, 8sc, dec, (white) 8sc, (orange) 5sc, dec, 1sc, dec, 5sc, (white) 8sc, dec, 1sc (50) do not join
R12 (orange) 10sc, (white) 8sc, (orange) , 13sc, (white) 11sc join with sl st in first sc (50) fasten off leave enough tail for sewing.
dorsal fin finishing: in black yarn crochet  boarder all around the dorsal fin (not on base)  as shown in the picture, sew dorsal fin to the body starting with part three at round 24 and go down matching colors as shown in the picture.


R round
 sl st slip stitch
inc  increase- 2sc in one sc
 dec  decrease-2 sc together
 rep  repeat