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 5.5 inches beautiful Christmas candy coaster which you can make  out of your scrub yarn. It has many different usage such as on  a night stand, under a vase or on a coffee table, couple of them could be a nice gift will not take more than 30 min to make one.


all what you need to make a candy  coaster are:

1- a size 3.75 crochet hook

2- size 4 white yarn

3- size 4 red yarn

4- heavy spray starch


r1  in a magic ring work ch2, 9 hdc join with sl st on the top of ch2 (10)
r2   ch2 (count as ist hdc), then in each st work 2hdc to the end of the round (20)
r3    ch2 (count as ist hdc), then work *2hdc, hdc* in next two stitches  rep from *to* in  next 17 stitches (30)
r4  ch2 (count as ist hdc), then work *2hdc, hdc* in next two stitches  rep from *to* in  next 27 stitches (40)
r5  ch2 (count as ist hdc), then work *2hdc, hdc* in next two stitches  rep from *to* in  next 37 stitches (50) fasten and do not cut the yarn
r6  in white work ch5 ,join the red yarn to the next st and work ch5 continue working as shown in the pictures below



 ch  chain
 sl st  slip stitch
 hdc half double crochet
 1st ch  first chain
 2nd  second 
 sp  space
 rep  repeat
 r  round
inc  increase ( make two dc in one sc)